Translated “Avante!” article by Luís Carapinha, Member of the PCP International Department
For Brazil, 2016 ought to be a dark year, for the annals. A huge antidemocratic plot, along time in progress, and that culminated by the institutional state coup, on August 31st, in this brotherly country, scrutinized by the Senate, and stamped Dilma Roussef ultimate destitution, the president elect.
During all this coup process, no proof was produced to prove the legitimate head of state had ever committed any crime. Otherwise, and at the eyes of the world, a show-case of immorality and putrefaction endemic policies and the performance of a rabble of the worse corrupts, as the coup performers. Side-by-side with sinister main media monitoring, in particular, the justice apparatus under the hands of the Brazilian oligarchy, rendered unto the great finance – subordinated to imperialism- the coup mark and nature. Judge Moro and the republic general –procurator’s liaisons to USA circles and the most probable involvement of the North-American intelligence during all the process, are not surprizing.
If any doubts persist on the coup real genesis and nature, Temer, the puppet-president ‘s administration totally dissipate them. What ought to be perceived in the essential along these months of a coup atmosphere at the Planalto Palace, is the greed and virulence of a class trenchant squaring of accounts. Along great bourgeoisie and oligarchy coup’s revanchist path, the great proprietors and financial speculators select breed, point out, not but towards the workers and peoples interests, but to Brazil’s sovereignty and development. Representing the monstrosity of the approving of a packet that “freezes”, for 20 years, education, health and social protection, social welfare reforming, labour laws flexibility, measures and antidemocratic policies amendments and the announced privatizing hypo-programme.
An inaudible spoliation and wealth concentration is in progress, productive apparatus destruction and plunder and its giving over unto the transnational capital. These are the destructive Petrobras alienation plans and pre-salt exploitation. The persecution carried out against the Brazilian nuclear energy programme is symptomatic, namely with the responsible admiral’s imprisonment. Concerning the external plan, the coup in Brazil is a crucial mark in the Latin America force correlation reversion. And Brazil, upon the coup, appears to be the BRICS weakest-link.
The coup course consequences are dramatic, within a country with the dimension and the level of such social needs and inequalities. The recessive framework prevails (the GDP is to come down to 3.5%, in 2016) and unemployment grows up to 12%, achieving over 12 millions of Brazilians. But ,both the rejection towards the coup and Temer himself grows too, disapproved by 77% of the population, according to the latest data. No way, it is excluded, as for Cunha, Temer ought to be sacrificed, in order to the coup flourish. Therefore, the PMDB ought to accomplish the mission as the hinge party and to have raised the situation, in which the latter was caught. The parade is very high. All is to be done to weaken the left-wing and criminalize the PT, and, personally Lula, in order to impede his election in 2018. To revert and stain the legacy of important, although insufficient, advances which took place during the 13 years of the Lula’s and Dilma’s governments. As denounced, the restoring coup strategy attempts against the post-dictatorship, Constitution 1988. A race against time, in which the capitalism structural crisis deepening proves that the coup in Brazil is against the course of history. It is decisive to proceed the “reactionary offensive and open up perspectives to overcome” “the mass political struggle “ and the “people mobilizing” , in 2017. (PCDb CC, Dec4th, 2016).