Translated "Avante!" article by Albano Nunes, Member of the Secretariat of the Central Committe
Brazil is currently living difficult times. Reaction and imperialism never accepted progressive nature changes that, since 2003 improved life conditions of many millions of Brazilians and never gave up reverting a process that, although kept the economic power and the state apparatus untouched, felt it as a deadly threat to their interests. The change process strong popular support diminished their interference capacity, placing in the defensive, but they never gave up. The 2014 elections outcome, electing Dilma Roussef as president, a strong effort was undertaken, but they lost. Currently, profiting from an unfavourable economic conjuncture, alias, indissociable from the deep capitalism crisis, which seriously hits the “emergent” countries, turn openly towards the offensive in order to conquer again their lost positions. And that is the nature of the coup campaign targeting president Dilma’s impeachment. That is the nature of the operation against Lula da Silva, with the purpose of discrediting his image and impede his return to play a relevant role in Brazil’s political life.
Misinformation on what really happens in Brazil is huge and is hindered by a sensational “information” avalanche. Because, behind the smoke curtain of a supposed independence concerning responsibilities amid the Brazilian capitalist corrupt system, what is happening in reality is the manipulation of the judicial apparatus in articulation with the media, in order to drive away the progressive forces and establish once again, the great capital power. The core of the sharp class struggle in progress, in Brazil, is the direction – progressive or reactionary, of sovereignty or submission to the USA – of this great country’s political and social development. Jeopardizing democracy itself, undoubtedly very limited in its essence, but nevertheless where fundamental freedoms and political rights are a reality that disturb a great bourgeoisie, bearer of a long track of crimes, as the ones practised during the fascist dictatorship, following the 1964 military coup, that threw down Joao Goulart.
What is in stake, these days, within Brazil, concerns workers and the people of Brazil, in the first place, and the huge popular street demonstrations, throughout many towns, under the slogan “ against the coup, for democracy”, last March 18th, prove the existence of capable forces to defend and deepen the achieved advances, in Brazil. But it also concerns all peoples world-wide, and firstly within Latin America. Brazil is a great country, holding a growing projection and influence in international life. It is one of the five BRICS’ members, an alliance that performs an important role in avoiding USA imperialism totalitarian world domain projects, that, although the limits and contradictions resulting from its capitalist nature, has converged with countries like Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, in the progressive changes and sovereignty process, which has covered the Latin-American continent ( as the example of organizations as CELAC or UNASUR), and that imperialism tries, at all cost ,to pervert. The Brazilian reaction and imperialism coup engagement, go beyond Brazil itself. Our principles solidarity with the CPof B, WP, the MST and other forces that struggle in order to stop the reaction’s path, also consider the urgent need of uniting forces in order to confront imperialism at a world level.