Translated “Avante!” article by Luis Carapinha, Member of the International Department
Among justice accusations and inquiries, Temer’s time runs towards the end amid the Brazilian political violence. Holding on to power, in accelerated disaggregation, the illegitimate president’s fall is given as inevitable. Cunha, the former Deputy Chamber president ‘s spectrum, condemned for corruption to 15 years in prison, is overhanging. A year ago, the agreement between two PMBD members, was crucial for the institutional coup, that dictated Dilma Roussef’s stepping down, the president elect. The dirty work concluded, the climax of the conspiracy hares’ classical sacrifice seems to have arrived. Helped by the wide popular rejection to Temer and his government ( almost ten the number of ministers that stepped down from the cabinet, stained by corruption), along with the difficulties in closing up the labour and social security counter-reforms, impatiently demanded by the great capital.
Within Brazil all became worse since Dilma’s scandalous removal, in the absence of crime responsibility. Currently, more than 14 million unemployed workers and the social crisis, spreads within the application of the unprecedented austerity measures and the dispossession of public funds. The South-American giant suffers economic recession, considered as the most serious since 1948. But the coup logics within the coup is not the counter-coup. Amid the cronyism swamp and the systemic corruption of the Brazilian high-policy, one assists to a fierce war among institutions and the dominant class factions. Acacio Neves, the Brazilian right-wing party tutelary candidate, the PSDB, defeated by Dilma in the presidential elections in 2014 outcome, has just suffered the suspension of his mandate as senator, in result of the lava-jato tentacle process. The General Prosecutor Office demanded his imprisonment. Nevertheless, all the great bourgeoisie sectors – the coalition coup parties, the economic power, judicial and the media oligarchy – converge in reactionary, neoliberal and subservience direction, towards the North-American and the transnational financial capital interests. Brazil, a USA ventriloquist upon the coup, reverted the regional cooperation direction and became an ally against the Bolivarian Venezuela. There exists many more contradictory signals on the China and the BRICS’ relations. In the peak of the strategic realignment, there comes a USA invitation for the taking place of multilateral military manoeuvres, in the Amazon, an old Pentagon objective.
Together with Temer’s interim direct succession in line, also shadowed by corruption, popular mobilization grows on the streets, as proved by the general strike dimension, on April 28th and the demand of direct elections. This is the decisive element, in order to destroy the Machiavellian network, manipulated behind the screens, in the fight against the lava-jat corruption and manipulation, with the purpose of politically judging and impeding Lula, a favourite in the polls’ outcome. Impeding, - as the PCdoB adverts – the anti-democratic coup deepening, in a time of the capitalism structural crisis, throughout the world.