"Bolivarian Revolution"

Translated "Avante!" article by Luis Carapinha, Member of the International Department

Suddenly, Venezuela has disappeared from the dominant media network. Instead, if Capriles had won the suffrage in October 7th, all would have been otherwise. But on the contrary. Chavez was re-elected with more than eight million votes and 11 points in advance, in elections in which eight out of ten Venezuelan eligible voters, voted. Within the right-wing candidate supporters, tears are still being wiped off. The Bolivarian victory, as figured out to be predictable for any minimally advised observer, the truth is the campaign, monitored from the conspiracy centres overcame all marks in order to pass on the idea of the “technical draw”. The false perspective helped the self-mistake within and outside Venezuela. But the popular triumph evidence disappointed those who planned to de-legitimise the results and de-stabilize the country. An infamous torrent will certainly be back shortly.

Upon 14 years of an intensive class struggle, the Venezuelan process carries on giving lessons of an exemplary democratic participation and popular unity, that nobody can deny. Pacific but not unarmed, the Bolivarian revolution proceeds the emancipation march rhythm without wearing out, within the “representative democracy” framework, to which its bound, particularly hurting the bourgeoisie and imperialism.

President Chavez’s constitutional mandate renewal, till 2019, is an open window to carry on accumulating strength along the transforming path based on national independence and the proceeding of the change consolidation work claimed by the great masses. A transcendental victory for Latin America, the South peoples and the revolutionary and progressive forces’ liberating movement throughout the world, at this disturbed time, with plenty of treats, together with the capitalism structural crisis.

At the same time, there exists a conscience that the revolution, with its own fragilities and contradictions, is far from being an irreversible achievement. The 6,5 million votes added by Capriles, and even deducting a campaign demagogic balance during which he presented himself as a “democratic left-wing” champion, proves the right-wing holds an important electoral basis of popular issue. The deep capacity of self-criticism, identification and mistakes and faults correction are essential elements in a revolutionary process. But, as Oscar Figuera, the VCP’s Secretary-General states, the Venezuelan process advances “are unquestionable and surmount any errors” ( in Correo del Orinoco, 12.10.14).

Concerning the electoral level, the battle carries on for now, with the December elections, for governors and regional councils, belonging to the 23 Venezuelan states. At the strategic level, attention lies on the approval, in January, of the II socialist management plan for 2013-19, which assumes itself as a socialist transition programme and the deepening of the participative democracy.
In its introduction, one can read: “ the socio-economic model that, nevertheless, prevails within Venezuela, has a capitalist and renter nature. Socialism, has certainly but begun to implant its own internal dynamism(…).” Precisely, this is a programme to ensure and deepen it, focused on a radical suppression of the capital logic, which ought to be accomplished, step by step, but never retarding the advance towards socialism”.

The theoretical and practical challenges placed before the Venezuelan revolution are huge. Popular conscience progression is an encouraging factor amid this historical dimension process. The VCP insists in the basic need of building unity and strengthening instruments amid collective leadership spaces, in order to safeguard the revolution. The imperialist treat cannot be underestimated, at the precise moment when the IMF ‘s leader states in Tokyo, that the core economies [ capitalist] public debt mid -platform, being 110% of the GDP, is reaching the war times’ level…

Solidarity towards the Bolivarian Venezuela is, more than ever, a current imperative.

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