"Auschwitz Liberation"

Translated "Avante!" Article by Rui Paz, collaborator of the International Department

The Red Army liberated Auschwitz on the 27th January 1945, the largest and best known Nazi extermination camp. It was the Soviet Union, a country which, having suffered 20 million human losses, and felt, as no other, the cruel effects of Hitler’s Germany aggression, liberated humanity from one of the most horrific terror centres, an extreme symbol of oppression and a system’s irrationality, which, unequivocally demonstrated the inexistence of limits for barbarity, when human existence is submitted to the law of profit.

In Auschwitz, all was financed by the Deutsche Bank, whose administration was represented in the IG FarbeBayer, a slave work beneficiary company and the Zyklon B supplier, the death gas, with which the handicapped to work prisoners were asphyxiated. Equally, the Gestapo SS’s accounts and the Topf’s, a crematorium builder, were under that financial empire control. There is practically no great German bank nor monopoly that did not enrich during Nazism and the concentration camps prisioners’ slavery. Siemens, Krupp,Opel, BMW,VW, Daimler, IG Farbe, Allianz, Flick,Deutsche, Dresdner and Commerz Bank, are hardly some of the sounding names of dynasties within the entrepreneur and finance world, whose power was strengthened through Hitler’s terror regime. Only between 1939 and 1944, the Deutsche Bank’s business amount increased from 4.2 to 11.4 million “Reichsmarks”.

Banker Hermann Abs, in a speech delivered at the “ Banking Science Institute”, on the 25th October 1940, a few months after Poland, Scandinavia, Benelux and France’s occupation by the German troops, an administration member of that financial monster, and referring to the creation of a “colonial space”, proclaimed the “ choice of the adequate countries for an active capital policy does not present, currently, any difficulty on what regards Germany”.(…) The European space offers our political influence sphere rich and profitable possibilities in order to satisfy the limits of our capacity”.

Once Auschwitz liberated, imperialism and militarism never accepted the Nazi-Fascist defeat. And with the ending of the USSR and socialism within Eastern Europe, the aggressive and the revanchist monster’s hunger, struck again. Currently, Germany is, within the EU, the biggest death instruments’ exporter. As a direct or indirect share-holder of several armament groups, the Deutsche Bank is one of the main beneficiaries of the bellicose objectives, undertaken by the European Defence Agency (EDA) and inscribed in the so-called “Lisbon Treaty”.

To support this imperialist expansion new programme, workers and peoples are being submitted to sacrifices, up to now inconceivable. Gone are the days when capitalism celebrated euphorically the USSR’s disappearance and proclaimed the end of history and the advent of a new peace epoch, social progress and international security. Currently, the great capital discloses, daily, that the system’s supreme objective is not to serve man but to achieve the maximum of profits. Therefore, “in many points of the world ,peoples take in their own hands the uphold of their rights and the sovereignty of their countries, resisting throughout the most varied forms and impose reverses on imperialism domination strategy”. (in CC of the PCP, November 2010). As highlighted in the Political Resolution of the XVIII PCP’s Congress, “ the Marxist theory never was as true as when, on liberating itself, the working class liberates, simultaneously, all the other classes and the oppressed by the monopolist capital, which currently means , to liberate humanity.”

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