Translated “Avante!” article by Luis Carapinha, member of the International Department of PCP
Within capitalism crisis backstage, the tension escalade amid the international scene ought not to be ignored and ought to be considered as serious. The temperature carries on increasing, dangerously, along with the USA focused in galloping growing contradictions and home impasses, dropping more oil to ignite world destabilization and disorder, with the purpose of an hegemony that is running out. It is not by chance that the Pentagon generals importance was considerably reinforced in the White House, and that months ago presented the congress with a budget draft, that contemplates a brutal increase concerning military expenditure.
Despite reserves, Trump signed a new decree that imposes new sanctions to North Korea (PRNK), Iran and Russia, on August 2nd last.
In Moscow, analysts mentioned that Washington’s decision was an economic war declaration, at a large scale, against Russia and prime-minister Medvedev adverted that sanctions policies ought to proceed for decades. A sign to hold in mind, is that Germany (and the EU) publically rejected the new measures, that affect, namely, Berlin’s economic interests. But, wasn’t it Germany (and the EU), together with the USA, that put forth sanctions against Russia, upon the 2014 state coup, in Ukraine? And NATO proceeds its expansion towards the East?
Trump threatened the PRNK by using a never seen “fire and fury”, on August 8th last. Three days before, the UN’s Security Council approved a new pack of sanctions concerning the North-Korea nuclear and ballistic programme. The USA begun the conjoint military manoeuvres with South Korea, on August 21st. A day after, the USA announced sanctions against companies in China and Russia for alleged support to Pyongyang’s military programme. Russian strategic bombardiers overflew the Korean peninsula perimeter, on August 24th. Washington insists in hindering peace efforts, by rejecting Beijing and Moscow proposal, on political negotiations, and that recently, Berlin supported.
Reacting to the non-concealed coup agenda defeat, carried out by the Venezuelan right-wing, in result of the Constituent Assembly taking over, Trump threatened Venezuela with a military intervention, on August 11th.
The USA imposed more economic sanctions against Venezuela, reinforcing the economic war agenda and financial asphyxia. The Bolivarian government reacted, vigorously, against new threats, that represent a serious violation of the UN Charter.
Unsurprisingly, the USA announced the strategic revision for Afghanistan, on August 21st, together with the reinforcement of the occupation and the war intensifying, that carries on for 16 years. For the people of Afghanistan, the martyrdom situation ought to proceed, as this Central Asia country is a key-piece amid the USA and NATO deep destabilizing manoeuvre against China, the OCX and the Silk New Route. Amid which, the Daesh, as recognized by Karsai, the Afghani ex-president and USA ex-ally ,is one more USA “builder”. And its defeat, in Syria, at Damascus army’s hands and allies, represents an imperialism defeat, that ought to mark a turning point in the region. And therefore, the USA installs 10 military bases and bombs civilians in Raqqa…