Translated “Avante!” article by Jorge Cadima, Member of the PCP International Department
During a parliament debate on the Trident British nuclear submarines programme, and in answer to a MP: “ Are you personally prepared to launch a nuclear attack to kill a hundred thousand innocent men, women and children?”, Theresa May, the recent named British prime-minister, and a defender, as a EU member, responded with a categorical “Yes” (in The Guardian, 2016.07.18). It is not the first time genocide is openly defended. During the 60 Minutes CBS programme, in May 12th, 1996, Madeleine Albright, the then USA Foreign Affairs minister( Secretary of State) was asked, à propos of sanctions that, with the intermediary UN, the USA practised in Iraq: “ It is said half a million children have died. More children than in Hiroxima.[…]. Is this price worthwhile?”. President Clinton’s Foreign Affairs minister responded: “ It is a very difficult option, but this price is considered to be worthwhile”.
Madeleine Albright spoke during the Democrat Party Convention, that consecrated Hillary Clinton as candidate to the USA presidency ,last week. Naturally. The “Chaos Queen” holds direct responsibilities in the destruction of countries, such as Libya and Syria, along with the hundreds of thousand dead. In the internet, one ought to see a video, in which Clinton, on the day Qadafi was killed, cheers, before a journalist, and paraphrases Julius Caesar, proclaiming “ one approached, came close and he died”, and after, he laughed loudly. As John Lennon said, in his song Working Class Hero lyrics: “ There is room at the top, they are telling you still, but first you must learn how to smile as you kill, if you want to be like the folks on the hill”.
The great imperialist powers’ leaders moral degradation, already existent in Bush, Blair, Barroso, Aznar, Sarkozy, Hollande, Cameron, Obama and many others bellicose lies, is not exclusive of gender, skin colour, religion or nationality. The class domain determination history, particularly concerning the imperialist capitalism phase domain affirmation, at world level, is undoubtedly, a cortege of crimes. Durão Barroso achieved his position at the EU by supporting the Iraq invasion at Lages, Azores, in 2003. And at the Goldman Sachs (more and more the EU boss, by having imposed to the peoples of Europe (including Portugal) poverty and submission to the great finance. The lack of behaviour and the crimes, allies of the great masses impoverishment, in order to rescue the financial capital from its system crisis, are hastily tightening the system’s social basis support. The ideological control signs of loss multiply ( see EU referendums).
The terrorist attacks surge, that currently nurture the imposing of state of emergency, police states or even great scale wars, prove the possibility of the existence of subversive plans ,in progress, monitored from the imperialist states. The alleged authors frequently have, liaisons with intelligence, police and imperialism dirty wars. It is strange the French police anti-terrorism office intimidated the Nice Town Hall in order to destroy the video-vigilance recordings, in the night of the attack (in Figaro, 2016.07.21). A few days ago, a Canadian court sentenced the police who had manipulated an addict couple “converted to the Islam” to commit terrorist acts “ set up by the police” (in The Guardian, 2016.0729). It is enough to watch in the internet, the BBC documentary on the Gladio networks, greatly proving the CIA-NATO role along with other intelligence, on the terrorist attacks that drenched Italy and Belgium in blood, during the decades that pursued the “neo-liberalism” victory.
Who publically proclaims the “right” of killing hundreds of thousand children and innocents, proclaims to be in the “right” of saving its power and wealth system through the provoking and terror via?