This occasion marks the 69th. anniversary of the end of World War II. The liberation of Berlin by the Soviet Army ended the largest and deadliest military conflict in human history, with over 50 million dead and widespread destruction of the European continent and other regions of the globe.
World War II is inseparable from the rise to power of Nazism in Germany, and this in turn is inseparable from the great crisis of world capitalism that erupted in 1929. It is important to remember, almost seven decades after the end of the war, that the rise of Nazi-fascism in its various expressions was supported and sponsored by the monopolies during the long crisis that shook capitalism. Nazi-fascism is, in terms of history, the most violent and terrorist expression of capitalist domination and exploitation.
The PCP recalls and salutes the decisive role of the Soviet Union, of the Soviet people and their Red Army in the defeat of Nazi-fascism. It was in the territory of the USSR that took place the gigantic and decisive battles that determined the outcome of World War II: Moscow, Leningrad, Stalingrad, Kursk and many others. The peoples of the world owe a debt of eternal gratitude to the Soviet people who, with the sacrifice of more than 20 million lives, made the decisive contribution to free humanity from Nazi barbarism. The PCP recalls and also salutes the decisive role that the communists, workers and other patriots from many countries played in the anti-fascist resistance and defeat of Nazi-fascism.
The new situation resulting from the defeat of Nazi-fascism opened for the people of the world a time of great progress and political, economic and social achievements. It contributed decisively to the end of colonial empires that, even in 1945, oppressed a large part of humanity and for the creation of international law with democratic and peaceful principles. Nowadays, all this is called into question as a result of a change in the correlation of forces at the turn of the last century and the consequent strengthening of the power of big capital at world level. Imperialism’s offensive and capitalism’s structural crisis brought about by its own contradictions, once again pose a serious threat to world peace and the rights of workers and peoples.
At a time that marks the 69th. anniversary of the Victory over Nazi-fascism and the end of World War II, the rise of the far right, xenophobic and fascist forces in Europe, which are, once again, promoted by the system and used by imperialism as shock troops, as is the case today in the Ukraine, is a matter of serious concern to the Communists and all democrats and anti-fascists because of the danger it poses to democracy, freedoms and rights.
The fight against fascism, imperialism and war thus acquires nowadays particular importance and opportunity.