"What is at stake?'"

Translated "Avante!" article by Pedro Guerreiro, Member of Secretariat of the CC

In Brazil, the popular demonstrations strongly revealed the class struggle, the contradictions and the complexity of the current situation, within this great country.

The demonstrations against the transports price increase, demanding quality public transport, which begun in São Paulo and upon being violently repressed by the military police, hastily spread throughout the whole country, incorporating other social demands.

One ought to recall Brazil that having begun a political tipping-point with president Lula’s election, in 2002, having improved life conditions of millions of Brazilian and affirming national sovereignty - providing a valuable contribution for the Latin America emancipation advance under the USA and an important creation and dynamics for the BRICS - did not carry out the deep social, economic and political changes which ought to have attacked the roots of the existent brutal inequalities, within the country.

Brazil, integrated amid the progressive and sovereign development processes, which are in progress in Latin America, is not living a revolutionary process. The left-wing forces which elected Lula and Dilma, opening the path for a turnover, are part of the government, but do not hold power.

Those who detain the economic power and are responsible for Brazil and its people’s serious problems try - from the first moment and although in control of the media -, to trace the direction of the popular demonstrations, having the intention of turning them against the progressive political forces, provoking a political crisis and, if possible, create the conditions to revert the achieved social advances -within a similar scenario to other USA interference operations against countries in the region.

The Brazilian democratic and progressive forces are before a challenge and need of, contradicting the attempt of manipulating the demonstrations carried out by the reactionary forces, to profit from the opportunity to boost ahead new and wider measures and changes of progressive nature.

Therefore, it is essential to widen , develop and integrate new strata in the organized workers’ and peoples’ struggle, ensuring an improvement of the Brazilians life conditions -such as health-care, education, housing or social security - carrying out a solution to the great cities complex problems and answer youth’s desires.

The recent events explain that the advances’ achievement continuity, concerning the Brazilian people’s life conditions in general, poses as a central question, the deepening of the process which is at its origin and begun about ten years ago.

A path which means to reinforce the initiative, towards the recrudescense of the struggle and participation of masses and, consequently, the political and social forces’ struggle reinforcement which are at the disposal to carry out a programme of deep democratic and progressive changes, for which the Brazilian people for so long desire.

The answer to the smashing majority of the Brazilian people‘s yearnings , the implementation of their rights recognition, ought to be the achievement of a just wealth redistribution and the economic means and instruments control, which must ensure them, signifying confronting the great financial and economic groups’ domain, which have under their control great part of the Brazilian economy.

In other words, the social advances - the achieved ones and those to be achieved - , can only but be consolidated by the taking place of important economic and political changes together with the building of a force correlation which will help them to be materialized.

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