"Way to war"

Translated "Avante!" article by Jorge Cadima, Member of the PCP International Department

From Ukraine to Venezuela, Africa and the Middle East to the China seas, imperialist powers prove by their signals the dominant aim towards a general war, the most violent authority and Fascism. By an open and direct aggression or through groups of paid mercenaries, under a systemic crisis are in open war against peoples and blind war among each other, as recently proved by Victoria Nuland, the USA “diplomat” , whilst the call to her ambassador in Kiev. In the combat against governments, that dare call upon their sovereignty, take hold of palaeo-Fascists, whose direct connection to the World War II Nazi hordes, nobody can deny. Alike the most backward and reactionary religious fundamentalism, so-called kosher in Syria or in Libya, the Ukrainian Fascists anti-Semitics becomes “European” and “democratic”. Mrs Nuland confessed, during an International Business Conference, organized by the Chevron oil company( 2013.12.13), that during the last 20 years, the USA had spent over 5 billion dollars to subsidy subversion in Ukraine. Meanwhile, food aid has been taken away from the hungry North-American people, owing to “lack of money”.

Whoever considers all this an exaggeration, ought to listen to someone who comes from the inside of the system, acquainted with its entrails, although currently a dissident. Paul Craig Roberts (PCR) belonged to Ronald Reagan’s administrations and was a Wall Street Journal vice-editor. Currently, he writes “ the Soviet Union was a impediment for USA’s power. The Soviet collapse permitted the neo-conservative offensive, performed by the USA’s world hegemony. Russia, under Putin, China and Iran are the only impediments to this neo-conservative agenda. The Russian nuclear missiles and their military technology make Russia the strongest military obstacle to the USA’s hegemony. In order to neutralize Russia, the USA tore agreements apart […], expanded NATO unto the old Soviet empire territories[…] and Washington changed its nuclear war doctrine in order to allow an initial nuclear attack […]. This audacious strategic threat, a probable , outcome, with which Washington is confronting Russia, ought to be a nuclear war” ( 2014.02.14). Under the title “Washington pushes the world unto war”, PCR (2013.12.14) writes: “ the fatal war for Humanity is the war between Russia and China, for which Washington is pushing both the USA and the Washington puppet states in NATO and Asia forward[…]. The only reason why Washington aims to install military bases and missiles along the Russian borders is to deny Russia the possibility of resisting to Washington’s hegemony. Russia has not threatened its neighbours and […] has been extremely passive before the USA’s provoking. All is changing[…] and its clear to the Russian government that Washington is to launch an initial decapitating attack against Russia .[…]. Washington’s aggressive military posture before Russia and China indicates an extreme self-confidence, which usually leads to war”. PCR wrote on Ukraine, a month ago, (2013.12.14):” The EU wants Ukraine to become a member in order to be plundered, just as Leetonia, Greece, Spain, Italy, Ireland and Portugal were.[…] The USA want Ukraine’s adhesion in order to install rocketry bases against Russia”.

Reagan’s ex-ruler does not recognize the decisive hindrance to imperialist bellicose threats, is the peoples’ struggle. However he is more alert than many of those who, being “left-wing”, when he adverts China and Russia against illusions and concessions. “ Its not likely that China will be intimidated, but might be mined, if its economic reform opens up the Chinese economy to the Western manipulation”., says PCR ( 2013.12.04), and calls upon the attention against the “fifth column” of “ university graduates, under USA’s programmes, who return home to China”. And he is caustic towards Russia’s and Ukraine’s tolerance “ which allowed that a great number of NGO‘s, financed by the USA, acted as Washington agents, under the cover of “Human Rights organizations”, “democracy builders”, etc”, (2014.02.13). On imperialism nature’s illusions and the to those who aspire to become wealthy servile traitors , is dearly paid.

The peoples, worldwide, have already paid a very high price.

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