"Venezuela, year 15"

Translated "Avante!" article by Luis Carapinha, Member of the PCP International Department

The Bolivarian Revolution is about to celebrate its 15th anniversary. Hugo Chávez, took office for the first time, on February 2nd,1999,taking over power in Venezuela. A small historical excerpt which has already gone a long way in the path for liberation unto independence and the building of the new, popular and free Venezuela. To guarantee the victorious history of the Bolivarian Revolution during this rough period - during which the world is confronted with capitalism, in deep crisis, -and its violent exploiter offensive - it was possible thanks to, in ultimate analysis, to the participation of millions of Venezuelan, originated from the popular and working classes, in the political and social struggle. And this is precisely one of Chávez historical great merits along with the Bolivarian movement which he was the leader: as referred by President Nicolás Maduro, having contributed for the embody “in politics (…) . of millions of excluded Venezuelan,by a kind of social apartheid ( in Telesur, 2013.12.23).His premature disappearance in March 2013 last, was considered by the local right-wing as the Revolution death-knell. Imperialism had prepared, beforehand, a concerted coup de grâce, mainly targeted towards the economic and media war levels. However, they were mistaken. The force correlation was wrongly considered. Conspiracy and destabilizing manoeuvres , coming from the right-wing acolytes, were totally unsuccessful. But they ought not to give up their subversive aims and attempts to destroy and end the Bolivarian Revolution. One must never forget it, nor for a single moment.

But beyond the exhibited insufficiencies and contradictions through an emancipating process, holding Venezuelan nature, such as vitality, the organization and potentialities of the Bolivarian Revolution always were underestimated by the Venezuelan bourgeoisie, eternally convinced to confound desires and realities. What this very hard year 2013 shows, most of all, is the Bolivarian Revolution capacity, its maturity, firmness and serenity, in the prosecution of its defined strategic objectives , which embody the 2013-2019 Homeland Plan. Before the economic and social unbridled economic and social sabotage, Maduro’s fundamental government unity, including the Bolivarian and the political and social base armed forces, organized within the Patriotic Great Pole, guaranteed the adoption of important measures against speculation and destabilization. Measures which underwent the Inhabitant Law approbation, opening up expectations of a qualitative jump on ts way unto changes in the economic front. Which have popular support, as demonstrated by the last December 8th municipal elections results.

Within Bolivar’s homeland, many are the assumed responsibilities by the Revolution in progress. For Venezuela and Latin America - where the USA and imperialism aim to restore the unconditional dominant order’s power, for over a decade - and throughout the world. Challenges are not of less importance. On the contrary. The objectives which aim to destroy the mono-production and bond holders petrol economy, moulded by the great monopolist interests of an immoral system - in decay - ensure the agriculture development and the national re- industrialization and are, in fact, of a great dimension and complexity. Changes which confront deep-rooted internal and external resistance, including, coming from incrusted sectors amid the Bolivarian process - just as the announced campaign against corruption, recognizes. The Bolivarian leadership proposes to hold hand in order to build up a new productive model, side-by- side with the State refunding and the establishment of new labour relations. On the necessary path towards struggle and change forces’ accumulation, the great battles are still ahead!

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