The PCP denounces the whole process of blackmail, pressure and imposition surrounding the now announced agreement, which clearly shows the hypocrisy of the European Union and its main leaders.
Regardless of further analysis over the content and implications of this agreement, what stands out in this process is that the guidelines and limitations imposed by the European Union and the Economic and Monetary Union are unacceptable constraints to the development of policies in favour of the legitimate interests and aspirations of the people, respecting their will and sovereignty.
What the current agreement shows is not only the nature and objectives of the European Union's policy of intensified exploitation and cuts in workers' and peoples’ rights, but also the blatant limitation to meet these objectives without coherently expressing the right of all peoples to a sovereign option of development.
The PCP expresses its solidarity to the Greek workers and people and values the role of their struggle, as well as the struggle of other peoples of Europe, in defence and conquest of rights and improvement of their living conditions that, as the agreement now announced once again proves, are systematically denied by the pillars and nature of the process of capitalist integration in Europe.
The PCP condemns the attitude of the Portuguese government which shamelessly affirmed itself as one of the most devoted followers of the offensive launched by the European Union in order to impose policies of continuation of social regression and impoverishment. A posture all the more reprehensible since it is contrary to the national interest and dignity.
What this process proves is that only an alternative, patriotic and left-wing policy is able to promote development and economic and social progress in Portugal and make a rupture with the path of decline into which the country is being dragged. It is the path of sovereign affirmation that the PCP proposes and is determined to follow assuming all the responsibilities that the people may wish to hand it and which will always be based on the intervention and strength of the Portuguese workers and people.